Maral put some more makeup on me and turned on some music. Before the shoot she had sent me some videos to watch on how to pose. So when I went into the room and stood in front of the grey backdrop she simply said, "Show me what you practiced." Good thing I did practice. :) It made me feel really happy when she would say mid-pose, "Great, hold it right there." Yay! I was doing something right. There were a lot of lights burning down on me, so I was really excited when she turned on the fan. Let me tell you, fans are really fun. It was fun posing with my hair flying all around me. It made me feel so pro. After a few poses I was already feeling more comfortable. After many shots we switched to a new outfit.
JANI Model Management 2012 Photo, Makeup and Hair By: Maral Jorjani |
Later we had time for only one more outfit. Maral curled my hair and I put on my black velvet dress. She turned on the fan again! :) Here is a shot in the dress:
JANI Model Management 2012 Photo, Hair and Makeup By: Maral Jorjani
JANI Model Management 2012 Photo, Hair and Makeup By: Maral Jorjani
I was definitely proud when I saw this. I'm glad the photoshoot went over so well. My posing practice really seemed to pay off.
Even though I have really sensitive skin and it gets red really easily, they worked around it. It didn't show up in photos and it actually just loks like blush. Sure, I'm self conscious about it, but modeling has really helped me get past that. I felt that when I became a model, it would be a big deal and would look terrible in photos. After I found out that it wasn't such a big deal, I was so relieved.
The biggest advice I got was to open and not be as shy. Maral encouraged me to try new poses. So what if they looked weird or didn't work? At least I should try to go out of my comfort zone. I still have to work on that in the future. I am afraid to try new things, but I think that modeling will help me open up and be more outgoing.
Since then I have had another photoshoot with the amazing Michael Franco and will be recieving the pictures soon! :)