Sunday, June 24, 2012

And So It Begins...

Modeling had always seemed fun to me. It was one of those dreams where you think, "Wow, that would be really awesome, but how do I get there?"

I was scouted right after my band had played at a Girl's Expo. There were plenty of booths set up in the ballroom, but I must've missed the modeling agency. After standing in my band's signature red high heels for hours I climbed off the stage, ready to take them off. Right as I slipped on some more comfortable flats, I heard my mom call for me. 

I headed over to where she stood with a woman. She told me, "I was just asking your mother how tall you were." I was definitely confused.  Most people don't start a conversation with, "How tall is your daughter?" But right then it hit me. I started smiling as she introduced herself as a scout from a local agency. She asked me if I had ever modeled before and if I was interested in it. I was so happy I must have looked crazy smiling that big. Eventually, we set up a meeting the next week.

The meeting went great. After my mom and I asked many questions about the agency and opportunities, we felt satisfied that it was a safe, great road to take. I was measured at 5"8' 1/2 and was handed a JANI contract. I can't even explain how excited I was. The next step was discussing if I really wanted to do it and begin this new adventure in my life.  

Stay tuned for my next post, including the complications with another agency...