Thursday, February 14, 2013

Incheon Airport Shoot

A few weekends ago I had a really cool video shoot for the Duty Free Airstar Avenue part of the Incheon Airport in Korea. It was from Sunday to Monday, shooting both days. Although it was SUPER long, it was a ton of fun!

Here is the first scene I filmed. They just filmed my pink heels as I got out of the car. It was SO COLD! I'm wearing a tank top and a little sweater and it was about 7 degrees Farenheit outside!! Plus it was windy! So cold, but hey, sometimes you just gotta forget about that kind of thing and do your best. I always try not to whine about anything, because it will only be a few minutes. Sure enough, after a few times running the scene I was back inside.

Here the client is going over what he wants us to do. He tells our manager the idea in Korean and then our manager translates to us in English. What would we do without our manager?! :)

Here's me and this adorable little boy who was in a few scenes. So cute! The lady in the back was a makeup artist. 

Here Elis is inside Salvatore Ferragamo filming a scene, pretending to be shopping.  

We filmed a quick scene of us getting coffee at the Hello Kitty Cafe, so I had to get this pic! 

Elis and I in the morning. We were only about halfway through the first day, so not too tired yet...

Oh I loved this scene! There was a little procession that went through the airport during the afternoon and we filmed a scene where I ran up to these people (I literally was supposed to run) and Elis would take pictures of me. It was so cute, but I think these people were a little confused of why I kept running up to them and taking pictures with them again and again! :) 

After working late into the night...or morning really...2AM, we finally got to our hotel. I was so tired that I fell asleep right away. There was a heavy snow during the night and I woke up to this outside my window! We had to wake up at 7AM for another full day of work. That was tough. But it's all worth it and it was fun!

The video shoot was hard because we were constantly shooting, with barely any breaks. The first day I had to walk all over the airport in these painful heels! But I tried not to complain, and the clients were happy that we toughed it out. Plus we got a really yummy dinner, so that made up for the hard day. ;) Although it wasn't always comfortable, being in a commercial was so cool! So many people in the airport saw the big camer and crowded around taking pictures of us. I felt like a celebrity! I really got to see what it was like, how you have to film multiple takes of each scene, and how once the camera is rolling, you have to forget whatever your thinking about and give whatever action or emotion the director tells you. Make the client happy. Besides, you never know if they need a model for something else in the future, right? So despite the times I was really hungry, or really tired, I had a lot of laughs and fun times with Elis and my manager Hyun, and I will remember this fun memory forever. I'm glad I got this opportunity. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day from Korea!

Yep, it's Valentine's Day here! So adorable. Well I bought myself some chocolates :) and a really awesome cupcake because I think I deserve a little treat.

It is quite interesting here in Korea, there isn't just Valentine's Day. There are 3 other days in the next 3 months to celebrate love too! So here is a picture that describes how it works here:

Yup. That's how it works! Hope you all have a nice Valentine's Day! <3